Connecting People

Say hello to data-driven decisions.

Leverage Data for Optimal Organization Performance

Gather, analyze, and utilize data to drive better decision-making and improve overall performance. From real-time feedback to performance tracking, LoopSpire’s analytics tools enable organizations to measure key performance indicators, identify trends, and make data-informed decisions that improve outcomes.

People & Analytics-Gather, analyze, and utilize data to drive better decision-making and improve overall performance.

Empower Your Team to Drive Success

Align employee growth and development with organizational goals. Utilize LoopSpire’s customizable feedback modules, performance tracking, and goal-setting tools to promote a culture of strong recognition for development and achievement while inspiring the next generation of leadership

People & Analytics-Give all staff a holistic view of where they stand, in the moment, by incorporating role-specific feedback on goals, coaching items, and PD initiatives.

Integrated Coaching and Development

Give all staff a holistic view of where they stand, in the moment, by incorporating role-specific feedback on goals, coaching items, and PD initiatives. Take the pressure off staff by providing high-frequency, low-impact feedback that leads to growth, not burnout.

Utilize multiple avenues of communication and coaching to guide each role to success throughout the year using objective feedback instead of traditional, infrequent and subjective reviews.

Comprehensive Feedback

LoopSpire’s real-time feedback tools provide stakeholders at all levels with a platform to deliver specific, in-the-moment feedback that can direct needed improvements. Promote mutual accountability and growth by giving all staff a voice using multiple avenues of communication along with role-specific reviews, check-ins, and evaluations.

LoopSpire's real-time feedback tools provide stakeholders at all levels with a platform to deliver specific, in-the-moment feedback that can direct needed improvements.
LoopSpire's real-time feedback tools provide stakeholders at all levels with a platform to deliver specific, in-the-moment feedback that can direct needed improvements.

Comprehensive Feedback

LoopSpire’s real-time feedback tools provide stakeholders at all levels with a platform to deliver specific, in-the-moment feedback that can direct needed improvements. Promote mutual accountability and growth by giving all staff a voice using multiple avenues of communication along with role-specific reviews, check-ins, and evaluations.

Seeing Is Believing

Request a demo of LoopSpire today

People & Analytics-Directly align the growth and development of staff with real-time, continuous feedback on the factors that drive success in each role.

Continuous Improvement

Directly align the growth and development of staff with real-time, continuous feedback on the factors that drive success in each role. Promote a culture of strong recognition for development and achievement while inspiring the next generation of leadership. Use trend data to course correct throughout the year to ensure meaningful growth and success by the end of the year.

Interactive Insight

Quickly access the data that matters most to you in your role, while digging deeper with filterable reports to get the insight required to make informed decisions. Visually disaggregate goal and feedback data from those you lead to quickly recognize areas of improvement needed and highlight successes that should be celebrated.

People & Analytics-Quickly access the data that matters most to you in your role, while digging deeper with filterable reports to get the insight required to make informed decisions.
People & Analytics-Quickly access the data that matters most to you in your role, while digging deeper with filterable reports to get the insight required to make informed decisions.

Interactive Insight

Quickly access the data that matters most to you in your role, while digging deeper with filterable reports to get the insight required to make informed decisions. Visually disaggregate goal and feedback data from those you lead to quickly recognize areas of improvement needed and highlight successes that should be celebrated.

Seeing Is Believing

Request a demo of LoopSpire today

Wait! There’s More.

There’s more to LoopSpire than just people and data.